
Thursday, 22 December 2011

2020 Vision looking out for Berghaus

Following a successful technology ‘shoot out’ with two major national security companies specialist CCTV integrator 2020 Vision systems have secured the contract to upgrade and revamp CCTV surveillance at the HQ of leading outdoor clothing brand Berghaus.

To clinch the contract from two major companies 2020 Vision specified the use of network video cameras to supplement and replace some of the existing analogue system, which had served Berghaus well, but was dated and needed expanding to cover previously unprotected areas.

Following a camera shoot out against the analogue competition Berghaus had no qualms in awarding 2020 Vision the contract. The benefits and image quality was clear for all to see.

2020 Vision MD Peter Houlis “To secure such a prestigious brand client is testament to our abilities and commitment. It is all the more rewarding that they are an International business based in the North East.

2020 Vision was established in the North East in 1992 and specialises in security systems such as CCTV, remote site monitoring, access control and concierge services. It has provided security in a diverse range of environments such as museums, hospitals, casinos, universities, sports stadia, government offices and even a seabird island. The organisation has won a number of business and industry awards and is widely regarded as one of the leaders in its field in the UK.

Google Custom search - for 2020 Vision Technology - Security Integrator