
Friday, 27 November 2009

North East based CCTV systems integrator - large contract for Gentoo

North East based CCTV systems integrator 2020 Vision Systems is celebrating after homing in on another large contract for Gentoo.

Gentoo Housing recently purchased from McCarthy and Stone the site in Sunderland city centre known as “City Green”.

Gentoo have an enviable track record turning run down, high and low rise housing developments into pleasant and desirable places to live. Fundamental to their success is providing a safe and secure environment.

2020 Vision have worked with Gentoo for a number of years, developing an award winning estate wide concierge system, including the implementation of a central concierge control room. As a result, 2020 Vision Systems have been commissioned to supply and install an integrated concierge system of the same award winning design to the new ‘City Green’ development.

When redeveloped, the six story ‘City Green’ residential site consisting of a ground and five other floors will comprise of a House Managers apartment, a guest apartment and 58 other apartments of various designs.

Each of the 60 apartments will be equipped with an audio visual entry system. Entrances to the site and building will feature proximity access control and the site will be monitored by internal and external CCTV surveillance. All of the systems will integrated into one easily managed front end management system located and controlled at the concierge control room.

Peter Houlis, MD of 2020Vision, explained that creating a safe and secure environment was the essential starting point for Gentoo (formerly Sunderland Housing Group).

“When the Sunderland Housing Group was established to take over responsibility for the social housing in the city of Sunderland, it had to decide whether to demolish them and start again, or to try to revitalise them. They decided that it would be worth improving them provided they could give them the feel of something like a modern hotel.”

To stand a chance of achieving this, it was recognised early on that security would be at the heart of the revitalisation. Without effective measures to tackle anti-social behaviour and fear of crime, any improvement would be short-lived. It would last only until the first graffiti appeared.

Their success in this sector vindicates that earlier decision.

2020 Vision was established in the North East in 1992 and specialises in security systems such as CCTV, remote site monitoring, access control and concierge services. It has provided security in a diverse range of environments such as hospitals, casinos, universities, sports stadia, government offices and a seabird island.

Further information on 2020 Vision is available on:

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