Thursday, 28 January 2010
2020 Vision release their new corporate video
With more than 60 years combined industry experience, a reputation for no risk commitment and a history of thorough attention to detail, the company has evolved into being one of the United Kingdom's most prestigious integrated systems houses. 2020 Vision
2020 Vision see growth in export.
Peter Houlis MD of 2020Vision, who visited Intersec 2010 in Dubai as part of the company’s sortie into the area said “it is clear from the various meetings we attended that 2020Vision has a great opportunity to export our knowledge and experience of delivering bespoke integrated security solutions into this exciting developing market.
Security is an important factor in this oil and gas rich region with a growing tourist trade and rapidly growing economy and population. Protection of property, infrastructure and people is paramount.
Major international security companies now state that the Gulf region has contributed significantly to their growth in business over the last year. The Gulf market is reputedly worth some $100M for IP systems alone. This will be further enhanced by Abu Dhabi's Ministry of the Interior instructing all hotels to upgrade their CCTV/Access Control systems with immediate effect to cover all public areas, including lift cars. It is expected other GCC states will follow this edict.
Monday, 25 January 2010
UK Threat level Severe
The increase from substantial means that a terrorist attack is highly likely. You should therefore remain alert to the danger of terrorism, look out for suspicious bags on public transport or any other potential signs of terrorist activity you may encounter.
There are five levels of threat:
• critical - an attack is expected imminently
• severe - an attack is highly likely
• substantial - an attack is a strong possibility
• moderate - an attack is possible but not likely
• low - an attack is unlikely
The threat levels are set by Security Service (MI5) and the Joint Terrorism Analysis Centre (JTAC). Who work together to consider information gathered through intelligence in the UK and abroad and how terrorist organisations have behaved in the past.
The system of threat levels has been created to keep you informed about the level of threat the UK faces from terrorism at any given time. The system helps police and other law enforcement agencies decide how to allocate staff.
Experts predict it’s just a matter of time before the next attack. This coupled with rising crime and an increase in the severity of criminal acts, antisocial behaviour and the claims culture. Means whatever your walk of life security is probably more important today than at any point in history and we all need to take responsibility for our safety and security.
Given the increased risk now would be a good time to review your security and make sure its working.
In order to implement a successful security strategy, it is imperative that an audit is carried out and a security management plan be developed. The plan needs to list the risks and actual and perceived threats, along with an operational requirement.
Your audit should be carried out by a security professional with a working knowledge of your industry sector
Remember to contact your local police force and speak to the ‘Counter Terrorism Security Advisor.’
Good physical security will be your first line of defence backed up by electronic security.
The security measures should be multilayered like an onion skin, and backed up by sound management policies and procedures, including staff training.
Fortunately, today’s security professionals can draw from a substantial arsenal of security options with technology, providing many cost efficient ways to improve security for everyone.
Take the no risk option and let 2020Vision review your security issues now. We have the knowledge and experience to solve your problems simply, contact us on 0191 2962662 or visit us at
For further information visit
Wednesday, 13 January 2010
See What You’ve Been Missing

In order to have a first-rate security system that misses nothing and offers excellent evidential material, it is vital to have image quality of the highest order. 2020's mega-pixel surveillance range meets this challenge, and provides a quantum-leap in image quality when compared with regular CCTV.
The new generation Mega-pixel CCTV camera is streets ahead of normal CCTV images, and really does allow you to see what you've been missing.
After careful evaluation, trials and use in a real application, 2020 Vision chose Veracity UK as the ideal partner to provide us with the digital technology due to our long and mutually beneficial relationship.
Veracity UK is a leading-edge technology company dedicated to developing innovative solutions for mega-pixel video surveillance and to bringing the best in ‘state of the art' enterprise-level digital video surveillance products to the UK market, including the highly acclaimed MatriVideo digital video recording and management solutions from Instek Digital, with whom Veracity work closely.
Keep yourself in the picture by contacting us 0191 2962662 for free information and a demo or visit us at We will delighted to discuss how you might update your system through a managed migration, safeguarding your legacy system investment.
2020 Vision has an enviable pedigree in designing, implementing and maintaining ‘best of breed’ CCTV solution.
Tuesday, 5 January 2010
Back to School for 2020Vision

The school, part of the Ashington Learning Partnership Trust commissioned 2020 Vision to design and implement a comprehensive CCTV system to improve overall security of the site.
The system consists of fourteen high resolution colour fixed cameras strategically located to cover key areas. Along with two colour cameras with full pan, tilt and powerful zoom facility to enable surveillance of the building exterior and grounds.
All cameras are recorded digitally 24/7 365 days per year, providing post event investigative material in case of incident. With staff being able to view images on a 17" colour TFT monitor.
Safety and security is paramount in educational establishments. The introduction of the CCTV system forms part of the security strategy and facilitates duty of care to pupils and staff.
Monday, 4 January 2010
Peter Houlis speaks with Chris Jackson from the North Easts Inside Out programme
We've calculated there are a quarter of a million CCTV cameras spying on us in the North.
But do they really cut crime?
Or are they an alarming and unnecessary intrusion into our privacy?
Fifteen years ago, Britain barely had any CCTV cameras so what happened?
The murder of James Bulger in 1993 was captured on CCTV and provided a heartbreaking image that is still with us today. It was a very emotional moment, and prompted a call for CCTV to be installed across Britain
Soon CCTV was popping up in every city and town in the land. Today CCTV cameras are everywhere - where we live, work, eat and shop, and along roads we drive on. They're even in places where you might not expect them - in the back of cabs, on buses and trains.
The truth is that we're being spied upon far more than we perhaps imagine. It's estimated there's one CCTV camera for every 14 of us - and it's claimed that every day we are caught on camera 300 times.
So should we as ordinary citizens be concerned about it?
Peter Houlis says, "The technology can be trusted - but it's the people who are using it…
"It is a very powerful tool - what happens with that evidence is much more concerning."
Intrusion or necessary invasion?
So who guards the guardians of the information collected on camera and doesn't this smack of Big Brother?
David Wood sees CCTV as a positive but necessary intrusion: "It is more like there are many little brothers - there are many different people watching us all the time." But the thought of someone taking some CCTV footage out of context and using it for other uses remains a worry. This happened when film of the the Spencer Tunik nude art event was leaked by two civilian police staff, breaking the trust of the participants.
In terms of the future, surveillance looks likely to accelerate, and the downside will be that more and more aspects of our lives will be watched on a 24 hour basis.